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We are more than proud to offer you some of the best brands in the market, they will be with you for long time, you will not need a different one. Our main brand, AMG with the two models, AMG Viella V12 and the small brother Giro are a really success in the analogue world. The Teatro Cartridge is something surprising for the musical resaults, bi...
We are more than proud to offer you some of the best brands in the market, they will be with you for long time, you will not need a different one. Our main brand, AMG with the two models, AMG Viella V12 and the small brother Giro are a really success in the analogue world. The Teatro Cartridge is something surprising for the musical resaults, big recomendation.
AMG Viella V12 + 12J2 Tonearm Precision engineering and classic design are embodied in the first turntable from AMG (Analog Manufaktur Germany), the Viella 12 or simply, V12. Included: AIDAS Cartridge Cooper Series: 4.500 € Reference Phono Cable: 1.760 €
AMG Giro MK II with 9W2 Introducing the next generation of AMG's celebrated Giro turntable, the Giro MK II. All critical components impacting sonic performance have been updated and improved, while maintainig the elegant minimalist design, compact form factor, and precision build quality of its predicessor. INCLUDED: Skirt Giro cherry oiled 1.750 €...
AMG Viella Forte PRICE: 31.120 € Included: Viella Forte turntable with 12JT Turbo tonearm AMG Reference Phono Cable : 1.750 € AIDAS Silver Plated Cartridge: 5.500 €