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In this section you will fine premium products for best listenning experience with your Vinyls.
The Loudspeaker is, maybe, the most critic part in our system. We need that one that fits perfectly between our electronic and our listening room. Those we offer in Alma Audio will not leave you indiferent
From Alma Audio we offer some CDs, DACs and Music Servers that will surplus all the needs we have from digital world and streaming.
We cover boths worlds, solid state and valves, working with brands we know very well and have a remarcable quality along the time and with international projection
We are always ahead of getting the best sound of our audio system, this tweeks will help for sure.
AAudio Racks
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AMG Viella V12 Precision engineering and classic design are embodied in the first turntable from AMG (Analog Manufaktur Germany), the Viella 12 or simply, V12. OFFER: 20.100 € Included: AMG Viella V12 + 12J2 Tonearm (Cherry Wood Skirt): 18.720 € Cápsula AIDAS Cooper Series: 4.500 € Cable de Fono Reference: 1.760 €
The Black RCA Phono turntable cable is a significant step up in performance from the Blue and comes with a separate earth link.
Tellurium Q Blue is the entry level speaker cable that was designed to be the companion to Tellurium Black and has been described by one well known manufacturer of speakers as having “good mid, but softer sounding” than the Tellurium Black.
The Blue RCA Interconect Cable is the entry level given 4.5 stars for sound quality by HiFi Choice in 2012 because we had designed it specifically to work with our Blue speaker cable not as a stand alone product.
Tellurium Q Black Waveform™ hf Digital RCA The Black Digital RCA boosts the speed of the edges of the digital signal
The Black power cable is something of a star performer across all hifi equipment.
Janus is a full-function all-tube preamplifier with six line level inputs and one phono input. Janus represents the key features of Rhea phono stage and Calypso linestage combined into a single chassis.
ATLAS amplifiers are capable of driving virtually any high quality speaker. An innovative hybrid design incorporates a bipolar output stage, bipolar driver stage, and vacuum tube input gain stage. They stand alone as the only hybrid amplifiers with zero feedback, essential for maintaining harmonic integrity, air, space and coherence